Well I had the oppurtunity to talk to a chrysler tech today and he leaked some info on the new wrangler for 2012. I am not sure how many people know but I thought I would share. He told me that the new motor was more than likely going to be a 3.6L with around 250HP a little more maybe and more torque. He also said that there is a possibility that they are going to bring back the 4.0 he said not to hold it to him, but he said the 3.6L was going to have that power that jeep followers are looking for. He didnt give me to many details on the body style. He said that chrysler knows that jeep customers arent happy with the motor that is in them now, he told me to thank the old owner of chrysler for that also he said they may be putting the brute out for regular production. If anyone else has something to add to this please feel free.