It’s been since the fall that we last reported on our Audi Q7 TDI. We said then that we were “living large and loving it,” and little has happened in the past four months to harsh our high. We could be referring to literal height. The adjustable suspension’s ride-height-enhancing off-road setting kept the Q7 from getting stuck during this winter’s so-called snowpocalypse and helped us pull stranded motorists from potential winter tombs. Senior online editor Jared Gall: “While driving home on a road so snow-packed as to be indistinguishable from the fields flanking it, I came upon a passel of stuck Fords. A Ranger, an Escape, and an F-150 were immobilized, so I quickly ran to my house to grab a shovel and a tow strap. By the time I returned, the F-150 had freed itself and was roped to the Escape, but the Ranger was blocking the two-vehicle train’s path. Cranking up the ride height, I plowed through one of the fields to get an angle on the Ranger. The Q7’s belly out of the snow, I tugged the pickup out no problem. Turns out the Ranger's owner is a hairstylist, and I now have a coupon for a free haircut.” The Q7 also impressed the driver of the F-150, who exclaimed, “I can honestly say I’ve been impressed by an Audi!” Gall’s town is as impenetrable a domestic-vehicle stronghold as you’ll find, so that’s extremely high praise.